ALERT. We have cancelled all services for tonight, Wednesday – January 17, 2018. Please stay home and be safe.
This would be a really good time to fix a cup of tea, coffee, or even hot chocolate and snuggle up with your Bible and catch up on your “Read through the Bible in 2018.”

2018 is going to be our best year yet! Plan now to make 2018 become the biggest and best year that you have ever experienced to grow spiritually and closer to the Lord Jesus Christ. It will happen and you can be a part of it. DISCIPLINE yourself and your family to be in Church every opportunity that you can.
With that being said…
Don’t forget to make Sunday School a top priority for 2018. We want to “Pack the Church” each Sunday morning. Our new start time is 9:45am. We have had many people say we did not have enough time to finish our lesson so we are going to start 15 minutes earlier. Praise the Lord for people that want to hear from God.

Also, our new studies on Sunday Nights are going very well. Lot’s of great feed back. “The Journey” – New and Growing, has had great attendance. Please plan to come join us @ 6:00pm for Children and Youth and 6:15pm for Adults. We believe this is going to be a foundational study for years to come.

“A Marriage 2 Die for” will be on February 10, @ 5:30. The cost is $25 per couple and that will include a catered meal and prizes. Sign up online @

Baptism Sunday will be @ 11am on March 25th. That’s right! We have several that have expressed interest in being obedient to the Lord Jesus and to follow Him in Baptism. See Fran for details and to sign up.

Family Fun Night will be January 28 @ 5pm. We will hold our Annual Chili Cook Off. See Fran to register. We will also have some surprises and games. You do not want to miss this…

Pricilla Shirer Simulcast right here at Ignite Bible Fellowship. April 28th @ 8:30am. This is going to be an awesome event. We already have ladies outside of Ignite Church signing up. Come be a part of the ministry and Learn, Love and Live your faith. Cost is $20 per person.

Wow. What a great start to 2018, being and doing the Work of the Lord Jesus. We will certainly be blessed in our obedience.
Please began praying now for the service this Sunday. May we praise the Lord and may He be exalted and worshipped. Please join us if you can. Do not miss it “for the world.”
Your Staff